Vote Nov 5
As a committed social and fiscal conservative, my top priority is to stop Alpine School Board from constantly raising our taxes
The school board voted to raise our property taxes 11 times in the past 6 years
The incumbent (Mark Clement) voted YES all 11 times!
Alpine School District has plenty of money (over a BILLION of our tax dollars) to do a great job without any more tax increases
But just as he has repeatedly in the past, Mark Clement will likely vote to raise our taxes in the future
This raising of our taxes faster than the rate of inflation has been a hardship for families with tight budgets, especially seniors on fixed incomes.
If elected, I will never vote to raise our taxes - no more tax increases, period!
We can avoid our taxes being raised if Alpine School Board would cut wasteful spending from its billion-dollar annual budget
The school board wastes MILLIONS of our tax dollars every year on extravagant school buildings
The incumbent (Mark Clement) has repeatedly supported extravagant school buildings
If elected, I will never vote for an extravagant school building, because school buildings don't educate and inspire students, great teachers do!
Also, over the last 7 years, the incumbent (Mark Clement) voted to raise his own compensation by 457%!
If elected, I will refuse any compensation for serving on the school board
Alpine School Board should free up money in the budget to prioritize what matters most - great teaching!
The budget should prioritize teaching by compensating teachers fairly and providing them with the resources they need
The school district has become bloated with unnecessary and harmful woke programs, such as their DEI program
Mark publicly supports DEI programs in public education
The school district has has also become bloated with unnecessary layers of bureaucracy, with 55 Alpine School District administrators being compensated more than the Governor of the State of Utah in 2023, and with this number jumping this year (2024) to 92 school district administrators, with the highest paid administrator being compensated $366,736.17 for his job in the school district
- Mark voted to approve these bloated levels of compensation for his friends in these district administrator positions both years.
If elected, I will vote to eliminate the DEI program and to eliminate the bloated levels of bureaucracy in Alpine School District, and to shift shift those dollars over to support teachers and teaching resources