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Meet John T. Gadd, a candidate for Alpine School Board


  • I have a background in business and software and technology law

  • I am a social and fiscal conservative dedicated to lower taxes and more efficient use of public funds

  • I want to bring some common sense from the business world to Alpine School Board 

  • My priority number one is to stop Alpine School Board from raising our taxes

  • I also want the board to cut wasteful spending and prioritize teaching

  • I am a long-time Pleasant Grove resident where my wife and I have raised our six kids

Hi, I'm John, and I'm running to be your representative for School Board District 5 on Alpine School Board. Three quick topics:

First, a little bit about me.

I attended kindergarten through 12th grade in Jordan School District (Westland Elementary, Quail Hollow Elementary, Albion Middle, and Brighton High) where I received a great education from excellent teachers. I will be forever grateful to my teachers who genuinely cared about me and who worked hard every day to help me succeed.

After my LDS mission to Honduras, I attended BYU, where I met my wife, and shortly after our marriage, we bought our home in Pleasant Grove in 2000. After graduating from BYU in Computer Science, and working for a few years as a computer programmer, I decided to switch careers and we moved to the Midwest for three years so I could earn a law degree from Ave Maria School of Law. Unlike the vast majority of law schools, Ave Maria placed a heavy emphasis on politically and socially conservative principles and on an original understanding of the Constitution. During my time at Ave Maria, I had a class taught by Judge Robert Bork, and we had visiting lectures by Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, both friends of the school. It was during this time that I became convinced, and I remain convinced today, that conservatism (including, among other things, traditional family values, free enterprise, private ownership, and American exceptionalism) is far superior to liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, communism, and wokeism. My views are generally consistent with the views expressed on the Utah County Republic Party Platform. I try my best to love and respect my neighbors who have differing views. And just because we might disagree on politics, we can absolutely still get along and even be good friends, and work together on causes we have in common. But at the end of the day, I try to vote for people who will advance conservative principles, because I believe that is what's best for myself, my family, and our society.

After graduating with my law degree, we moved back to our home in Pleasant Grove, where I had a great career working for a couple of local law firms practicing patent law, representing some great companies, mostly helping their engineers obtain patents on their inventions. During the majority of this time, I was a part owner of the business. As such, I was involved in setting and managing the budget, hiring and managing and training employees, and making decisions on buildings that would best meet the needs of our growing business. And twice each month I was also responsible, along with the other owners, for making payroll. So I know something about what it takes to run a successful business, and I want to bring that knowledge and apply it to Alpine School Board. During this time, I was also heavily involved in Boy Scouts, serving as Scout Master for 7 years and Assistant Scout Master over the 11-year-olds for another 3 years. I have also been engaged in my local precinct of the Republican Party, serving my precinct at one point as a Vice-Chair and later as a State Representative.
After a great career in patent law, I switched careers again a few years back. I currently work on a wilderness emergency response team and do pro bono legal work. 

We love our ward and neighborhood in Pleasant Grove, where we've raised our six kids. We plan to stay put for the rest of our lives. I feel blessed to live in such a beautiful place, in the shadow of Mount Timpanogos, and with so many options for hiking, biking, and exploring. And what a great place to raise a family! ​

Second, why I decided to run for District 5 of Alpine School Board. I want Alpine School Board to stop raising our taxes, cut wasteful spending, and prioritize teaching. And I'm convinced that our current representative on the board (Mark Clement) will not do these things. Based on my research leading up to this decision to run, I am convinced that taxes won't need to be raised if Alpine School Board cuts wasteful spending. In addition, not only will taxes not need to be raised, but the cutting of wasteful spending would also free up money in the budget to prioritize teaching by fairly compensating teachers and providing teachers with the resources they need to succeed in educating students. So it would be a win-win for everybody. Please visit my Positions page to read more about how, if elected, I will vote to stop raising our taxes, cut wasteful spending, and prioritize teaching.

Third, information on School Board District 5 of Alpine School District. Alpine School District is divided up into seven school board districts, labeled Districts 1-7. (btw, does having all these districts within a school district make anyone else feel like we're living in the Hunger Games?) Only residents of District 5 can vote for the representative of District 5 on Alpine School Board. District 5 covers Pleasant Grove, the east side of Lindon, and the east side of American Fork. You can find out for sure what which board district you live in by going to Utah County Elections, typing in your home address, then scrolling down and selecting 'Local School Board Districts,' which will tell you which school board district you live in within the Alpine School District. If you live in District 5, you can vote for me. If you live in District 3 or 6, you can't vote for me, but you can still vote because those seats are in play this election. If you live in District 1, 2, 4, or 7, you will have to wait 2 more years because those seats will not be up for a vote again until 2026. 

Feel free to contact me at my email address listed below.

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